Welcome to the National Cursillo Movement

Cursillos in Christianity: What is it?

Cursillos in Christianity is a Movement which, by its own Method, attempts from within the Church, to give life to the essential Christian truths in the singularity, originality and creativity of the person. Learn More »


34th National Cursillo® Center National Encounter Rollos

National Cursillo Center -33rd National Cursillo Encounter 2023 Rollos


cdc-picCursillo de Cursillos

Simply stated, Cursillo de Cursillos (CDC) is a course on the truth and simplicity of the Foundational Charism of Cursillo. Make the decision to attend one in your local region. Allow the Charism of Cursillo to form you, inform you, and transform you…



Servant of God
Eduardo Bonnín Aguiló

An Apprentice Christian

Founder of Cursillos in Christianity
1917 – 2008

The first step in the process for Beatification and Canonization of Eduardo began in Mallorca, Spain on February 5, 2015. The National Secretariat invites you to join them in prayer for Eduardo’s canonization into the Sainthood of the Church. View prayer card

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The Cursillo Resource Center (CRC) is designed to provide resources and information about the Charism of the Cursillo Movement.

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Are you looking for 3-Day Weekend and Team Formation materials?  These items are available for cursillistas to purchase.

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The Cursillo Movement is to proclaim the best news of the best reality: that God in Christ loves us.  Communicated by the best means that is friendship.

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